Non Antibiotic Ever (NAE) Chicken is a healthy option for pets, as well as for consumers who prioritize their health.
The production of healthy chicken meat, free from antibiotics, is widely advocated across various sectors, from small-scale farmers to chicken farms, as well as governmental and private organizations involved in animal welfare. This is because the unnecessary use of antibiotics in chicken farms can lead to the accumulation of antibiotics in the meat, which can have adverse effects on both the health of the animals and the consumers. Non Antibiotic Ever-Chicken (NAE) products are considered to be of higher quality and safer for the health of pets.
But what does “Non Antibiotic Ever (NAE) Chicken” mean? In the chicken production industry, antibiotics are commonly used to prevent diseases related to the digestive system of poultry. The intention is to maintain the gut flora of the animals and ensure their overall health. However, excessive or varied use of antibiotics in farms can lead to antibiotic resistance and the accumulation of antibiotic residues in chicken meat.
Raising chickens without the use of antibiotics is a safer choice for consumers. This is because consumers can be confident that chickens raised on such farms are not given antibiotics throughout their growth period. Furthermore, it is beneficial for the health of the animals raised on these farms because not using antibiotics means that the animals receive more attentive care, have higher health standards, and are managed more effectively. Products labeled as Non Antibiotic Ever (NAE) chicken must inform consumers about this difference in production methods.
It can be said that chicken meat raised without antibiotics represents an elevated standard of quality. Not only is the meat assuredly clean, safe, and free from antibiotic residues, which is beneficial for the health of pets who consume it, but NAE production methods also help improve the overall welfare of poultry raised on farms. By preventing issues such as antibiotic resistance and the accumulation of antibiotics in meat, NAE chicken production contributes to better animal management practices. Therefore, purchasing NAE chicken is a double benefit investment.